Friday, January 31, 2014

Linux Programs for Artists

If you are Graphic Designer or an Artist, here are some highly recommended programs if you are on a budget:

Gimp is raster editing program, which is an alternative to Adobe Photoshop. You use it to edit photos or create artwork. Raster graphics are based around pixels, which means you can only add a layer on top of the image or crop it out.  You can also make logos with Gimp.  Check out this tutorial to help you edit photos.

Inkscape is a 2D vector graphics program, which is an alternative to Adobe Illustrator. Vector graphics enable you to scale artwork without distorting it. Programs like Inkscape are used to make logos and illustrations.  I detailed my experiences working with Inkscape here.

Blender is a 3D modeling program, which is an alternative to CAD/CAM programs. This program is used to create 3D artwork or scenes.  Here's a tutorial to help you start using it.

All of these programs can be obtained using the Software Manager for Linux Mint or the Ubuntu Software Center for Ubuntu users.


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